PUNK IS A TOOL FOR LIBERATION: INTERVIEW WITH ALEXANDER HEIR [L.O.T.I.O.N., DEATH/TRAITORS] RU VERSION The word Punk has bothered many. Recently, it has become a cliche, a synonym for something rebellious, marginal, and in fact just a marking of outlandish goods that can easily be pushed into the insatiable mouth of the consumer. The term "Art" is also undergoing change and is the subject of controversy - is it painstaking work? Oil painting? Tag on a police car? A hundred naked people covered in paint or a pile of boxes in the room of contemporary art gallery? Everyone has their own answer. And punk art. What does this phrase mean at all? The art of living in a garbage bin penniless? Create handwritten record covers and stencils for t-shirts? Art of knowing any notes to create noise masterpieces? Or maybe the art of being yourself, the art of being free? There are too many questions and variations. But there are people who, by their very existence, are an example of what it means to be a punk artist in every sense. Alexander Heir (DEATH / TRAITORS) a New Yorker, artist, one-man brand, musician and personality so multifaceted that it is simply pointless to list his merits and achievements on the local and international scene - just read this interview, be inspired, believe in yourself and above raise the banner of what the word "punk" means to you. Editor: Vlad Fukcula |