Gabriel Hollington aka Pizza Boobs is an illustrator from Brighton, UK, who eats a lot of pizza and skates to avoid getting boobs from eating too much.

His works are bright and funny, evoking positive feelings and many associations: classic comics era, punk art, skateboard graphics. You should not be surprised at that, because Gabriel has played in a few punk bands and drew as many comics as he ate pizzas. Another fact that is much more interesting: Gabriel's work regularly appears on the pages of The New York Times and The New Yorker, Nickeledeon channel and Truck Festival.

In our new topic ART PART we talk with Gabriel about his favorite works.
— I love the name «Pizza Boobs» and it's always made me laugh, where did it originate?

— Haha, yeah, people are always confused by that, like they think its a macho thing or something «I LIKE PIZZA AND BOOBS!». I just eat a lot of pizza man and I'm afraid of getting boobs from eating too much. Gotta make sure I skate a lot so that doesn't happen… Its hard work keeping the pizza boobs away. But yeah I think its cool when illustrators don't use their real names, I was influenced by other illustrators names like Burrito Breath and Heavy Slime. Its kinda like a band name but without the band and people are more likely to remember it than if you just go by your actual name
Death Machine
— «Death machine painting. I think this is probably my favourite painting I've ever done. It started out as an illustration that I drew a couple of years ago and morphed into a painting recently. I had the idea for it after going to a casino with a couple of mates in New York state near these ski slopes that we were snowboarding at. We stayed in this weird hotel with a casino on the bottom floor that was owned by native Americans. I just remember going in there the night before we left and it just being this depressing scene of old retired Americans chain smoking cigarettes and playing slot machines. These women would come round with free drinks to give to all the players and thats where I came up with the idea for death machine. Like these machines were totally gonna be the death of these people.»
Japanese Creature
— «I painted this on a wall in this weird bit of waste land by the beach in Brighton called Black rock. I'd recently come back from a trip to Japan and was obsessed with Japanese writing and wanted to put it in all my work haha. I just think it looks so cool even if you don't know what it says. This one is supposed to say 'speed freak' but I'm not sure if it actually does haha. I'm also obsessed with drawing people or animals smoking cigarettes. Any chance I get to draw someone or something smoking like smoke coming out of the back of a car or from the top of a coffee cup then I'll do it.»
Zine «Comics Are Hard»
— «I made a zine last year called "comics are hard"featuring a bunch of comics that I'd made through the year. This one is probably my favourite. I like to draw comics that are funny or ones that end up in unexpected places.»
Gif Bin
— «Another thing that I'm obsessed with is old prom/ year book photos from the 70's and 80's. This is a drawing of a photo I found on the internet of this kid with a mullet looking creepy in his year book photo. I thought it would be funny to turn him into a full on creep and have him popping his head out of a bin as if he would do that whenever a stranger walked passed.»
Street Fighter
— «I drew this at the beginning of lockdown. I didn't have an xBox or Playstation or anything and I was day dreaming about having one because there wasn't a lot to do and we weren't aloud outside or anything. When I draw objects I like to draw them from the past so I wouldn't draw like an xBox for this illustration it would always be a retro game with a retro TV because I think they just look more interesting than drawing something from the modern day.»
— «The bat from this painting started out as a T-shirt design for this punk band that I drew a while ago. It was a bat riding a skateboard and then had the bands name above it. I really liked that T-shirt so I eventually ended up turning it into a painting of a double bat smoking (of course). Not sure where I came up with the idea of the double bat, I just think it looks cool.»
Record Shop
— «This is one of my favourite illustrations for sure. The idea behind it was pretty cheesy. It's like you're in a record shop searching for records which can be a pretty romantic thing in it's self and then you look over and there's the girl of your dreams searching through records next to you. The guy probably didn't have the guts to speak to her, I know I wouldn't haha. I also got to draw really crappy versions of a load of iconic album covers as the back drop to it which was a lot of fun.»
Attention! Gabe will show solo exhibition at 101 Gallery (Nuremberg, Germany), featuring two of the paintings from this article and more. Opening night is 21st of August. Exhibition will be lasts for 2 weeks.


Grade Moscow
12 Jul, 2020