«You need to understand what it means to be from somewhere to understand Born X Raised», — says Alex 2Tone, talking about his roots. Over the years in Born x Raised, he and his friend Spanto have differently interpreted their life experiences from the streets of Venice.

For Alex this way started with spray paint and camera, that opened up a world of possibilities, that before he could only see on TV. That's how he started shooting, working with different people who are close too him by spirit. And now, in addition to working on the brand, Alex records super cool podcasts with Matty Matheson, the king of canadian junk food.

All this creativity was born thanks to the art of Venice: music, graffiti and strong brotherhood. We talked about all this.
What did you think when you saw the very first graffiti?
I saw gang graffiti and regular graffiti on walls and written on skateboards. I was always intrigued, even before I knew how it worked or what it was. I would copy Dogtown crosses and V13 tags.
Tell us about Venice graffiti scene in those years?
When I was a kid it was a lot of BC and WCA, mostly Westside writers. Doom, Risky, Ash, St. Pat, Vex, Jimbo, Tame Vision. Mostly local names. I looked up to these guys as a kid. The Pavilion was a yard inside an old outdoor Amphitheater and it was always bombed.
What all of that graffiti background gives to you?
Graffiti gave me a sense of color and perspective. Also a sense of accomplishment, one of the first things I did where I actually felt like I accomplished something. Graffiti influenced every aspect of my life moving forward, good and bad.
What motivate you to start making video?
I always loved videos as a kid, it was a lifelong dream for a long time. I used to watch MTV Raps and Rap City religiously, all that stuff. Watching videos was a way to be transported further into an artists world.

I also love music so much, and film, so it made sense to make videos and films.
Tell us about your experience in making clips for musicans. What have this gived to you?
It's been great working with Artists. The best has been independent artists who want to collaborate and think outside the box, make something interesting. It's the hardest most exciting job I've done. There is nothing like shooting, being on set, especially when you like the music and the artist.
In interview for LA Taco, you said that «I will shoot a feature– that's been my lifelong goal».
I have some writing I've been working on snd thinking about for 20 years. I'll get around to it soon.
Family and friends are basis for BxR. Could you describe the brand by the people around you?
We work with people that understand us and also that understanding the trajectory of the brand, where we are from and where we want to go. You need to understand what it means to be from somewhere to understand BXR.
You created a lot with Matty Matheson. Could you tell us а story how did you met and start working together?
I met Matty through mutual friends and we became good buddies. He did a show on the brand when he was with Vice. We always hung to when he was in LA, which is all the time. One day we were eating sushi, and talking about podcasting, and the next day we were recording and making a podcast... That's how Matty works.
You often show your connection with celebs, gangs and some artists. But it's interesting to know about your connection with punk / hardcore music.
Theres a lot of old punk attitude in BXR because that a art of Venice. We were all exposed to the early stoner and punk bands from the 80's and whether you listened or not, the idea sunk in. Fuck You Go Home.
You did a lot collabs with big brands. Converse, Reebok, Carhartt WIP... What things are important to you while you work together with big brands? And could you tell us: what type of collaborations you'll never do?
It's gotta make sense for the DNA of BXR. Brands that fit the ethos and story. Heritage brands that were a part of our personal story before BXR was even an idea. Converse, Carhartt and Reebok are brands like that… Who is to say what we will never do, you never know what the future will hold, Anything can happen, really.
Reebok Classic x Born x Raised
Many years ago your way started with Spanto's words «Gentrification is a genocide».Talking about BxR and everything what you made for last years, what's your current philosophy and view on way of life?
My personal philosophy is one of trying to be healthy really. Physically and mentally. Life is too short. Take care of yourself. Work is not everything. One Day At A Time.

Instagram: @whatyousteal

Grade Moscow
8 May, 2020